Yearbook quotes: what to write in a Yearbook?
by Anna, 02 Jan 2025
The message you put in a Yearbook will express you for years. They will bring back memories, so try to make it special. As special as you and the person you address them to! And we'll try to help you.
Choosing a quote to include in a Yearbook is not an easy task. Hours spent over a blank sheet of paper or a white computer screen can throw many people off balance. You need to know that the message in a Yearbook will stay there for years. Anyone who looks through this special souvenir will remember you through the prism of your message. It is therefore worth making sure that we’ll be remembered for a long time.
What to write in a Yearbook? Basic instructions
If you want to be well remembered, it is important to follow a few tips. You might have thought that it's impossible to turn a few years of memories in a short description. How to put on paper the emotions of winning an important match and trips with classmates? The key is to create a message of a good length, which will be rich in content. The reading of such message will bring a smile on people's faces and make them think of you. Let our ideas, tips and exemplary quotes be a starting point for you, an inspiration thanks to which you will create your own unique message. Before starting to create text for a Yearbook, read our hints.
1. First sentence. As in a good novel, the opening line plays an extremely important role. It is a good idea to directly address the recipient, e.g., “Hello, my Friend” – for friends from school or “I wish you a great and crazy summer holidays" – in a more general version. By signing a copy of a Yearbook for your teacher, you will of course use a more official form, such as “Dear Mr Smith”.
2. Choice of memories. You have certainly had many beautiful memories this year. It is important to choose the one you remember most, the most characteristic and important for many people. Try to fit into maximum four sentences in order to leave space for others.
3. Internal code. If your message is addressed to a close friend, why not mentioning a common story? This way, the message will be even stronger and will bring emotions of the person who reads it.
4. The right quote. If you have completely no idea what to write, you can use the ready-to-use collections, that can be easily found in the vast depths of the Internet.
5. Signature. Similarly to any important document, agreement or declaration, it is very important to sign it by hand.
Yearbook is not just a souvenir from school years
Typical school yearbooks are popular in the USA. We can find photographs of our classmates and various kinds of school events in there. In addition, the idea of describing twelve months through photographs can be easily translated into other areas of our lives. You can successfully use a Yearbook as a chronicle of events such as:
Birth of a child - in a short story you will include photographs showing the preparation for a birthday party, baking a cake, blowing candles, etc. You can be sure that after years your child will be extremely grateful for such a valuable and beautiful souvenir.
Wedding - if not the most important, then one of the most important events in human life. Therefore, it requires an adequate setting. A yearbook can help you tell a beautiful story. Starting from fitting a white dress by the bride, through moving of the wedding procession, marriage and the wedding party till dawn.
Holidays - it’s also a good idea to gather the best memories from summer holidays in the form of a yearbook. Human memory is volatile, and in winter evenings by the fireplace it is good to remember the feeling of hot sand on the beach.
Passion for sport - the power of photography is often determined by emotions it contains, and sporting events are a perfect example of this. Effort and fatigue that can be seen on faces, a fierce gaze during football matches and a gesture of victory look great in photos. If your child's passion is sport, then a yearbook will be a great way to capture it.
Ordinary/extraordinary year - an interesting concept will be also to make a typical photo diary. Choose things and events from every single month that evoked particular emotions. It can be a beautiful landscape, an interesting event on the street or a smile of a loved one. Altogether, it will create an incredible story full of positive impressions.
Why are Yearbook quotes so important?
It doesn't matter if you sign a Yearbook for your classmate, a friend with whom you pulled an all-nighter to finish an important project or for a favourite teacher or child. You want the message to be as personal and honest as possible. A few words that come from the heart. Imagine that this kind of Yearbook will be seen by someone in a few years. The words written in it have the power and carry a large emotional charge. A Yearbook is a unique souvenir that can be kept for many years. Below we gathered some examples of posts for different types of addressees. Funny Yearbook quotes, perfect sayings for the best friend, golden thoughts, and many other expressions you can successfully use in your message.
Meaningful Yearbook quotes for loved ones and friends
- There’s not enough space here for me to fully express my gratitude for having met you in my life. You need to know that you are my best friend. I can’t wait for our crazy holidays.
- I was happy to see your progress this year. You have everything you need to achieve success in your life. Everything is within your reach. Greetings.
- Thanks to you, the world is more fun! Your sense of humour adds colour to our boring life! Don't change, please.
- I remember when we first met. You helped me solve a maths task. I wonder what equations await us in life…
- Last year has passed in no time. I don't know how I’ll make it without you next to me. I start to miss you at the mere thought of saying goodbye. It's our last summer. Let’s make a good use of it.
- You're always my support. Promise me that our friendship will last forever. Don't get it wrong when I’m angry at you. I can’t wait for the match.
Funny Yearbook quotes
- Everything that stands between a graduate and the top of the ladder is the ladder
- Remember me when you're rich
- This summer let the force be with you
- Don't abandon your dreams, just sleep
- Everyday in high school I was looking for snacks, not knowing that all this time I was the snack
- They say that you are what you eat, but I don’t remember eating a goat
- I used my books just ONCE in the entire period of school, I used it as a plate for waffles
- Don’t follow your dreams, follow me on Twitter
- Hannah Montana said that nobody is perfect, yet here I am
- If the idiots could fly, this place would be an airport
Inspirational Yearbook quotes
- To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell. Richard P. Feynman
- Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein
- Don’t count the days, make the days count. Muhammad Ali
- If you're going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill
- The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Anonym
- Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw
- It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop. Confucius
- Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. Oscar Wilde
- The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. Coco Chanel
- The only thing that is constant is change. Heraclitus
Meaningful Yearbook quotes - summary
When reviewing your Yearbook after years, such ideas may come up to your mind: “How much have I changed since that time” or “What was I thinking at that time?” Apart from fashion and haircuts in retro style, the signature you leave will follow you each time someone will flip through the pages of a Yearbook. Think what impression you want to leave behind. Use our tips concerning signatures in a Yearbook and create a small yet a big piece of work.