Outdoor photoshoot
by Anna, 03 Sep 2021
Put a summer dress on, a hat, and grab the camera! The summer has finally arrived and brought the wonderful weather and the colourfulness of summer holidays, which we miss most of the year. You should make the most of this special time - and, apart from going on holiday, organise an outdoor photoshoot in the summer open air. Sounds complicated? Not if you learn some outdoor photoshoot ideas used by professional photographers. Check them out!
Outdoor location for a photoshoot
There's no need to be flippant - the most important thing about an outdoor photo shoot is not the equipment or the skills, but the location. It is not difficult to find such place in the summer, because all it takes is a bit of warm light or a small piece of a green vine to bring out some considerable photographic potential from any location. What is more, it often turns out that the perfect outdoor location for photoshoots is... right under your nose. Just like that piece of weathered wall you pass every day on your way to work - grey and uninteresting in winter, but perfect in summer as an original background for close portraits. You don't have an eye for finding the perfect scenery but you want the perfect photos? You can also look for ideas for interesting outdoor photoshoot locations here:
- Photographic Portfolios. Professional photographers have their sweet secrets. One of them is the perfect outdoor location for a photoshoot, where the photos... basically take themselves. Of course, some of these perfect locations are places hired specifically for the shoot - but among them, there are bound to be some amazing spots that lie right at your fingertips.
- Instagram. If there's one group that can conjure up the perfect outdoor location for photoshoots in any neighbourhood, it's influencers. It's worth taking a peek at some of their urban spots and arranging them to suit your needs - especially as they are very often publicly accessible places that you don't have to book or ask for access to.
- Social Media discussion groups. Sometimes you just have to ask the right person to find out that just a few kilometres from home there is a castle with a beautiful courtyard. Information on interesting outdoor locations for a photoshoot is worth looking for on e.g. travel groups.
Outdoor photoshoot ideas for kids
On the one hand, there is no greater fun than working with little models. On the other hand, however, a session with children in the leading roles, especially outdoor photography, is a great logistic challenge. So, how to reconcile all this and come out with a bunch of successful photos? The answer is one - apart from being armed with patience and readiness for crazy adventures, it is also a good idea to bet on an interesting outdoor location for a photo shoot. Maybe any of these ideas will come in handy?
- Park/Forest. Space and greenery equal adventure, and that's half the battle when it comes to photoshoots with kids. An outdoor photo session like this is a good direction to go in, especially if you're after relaxed, natural shots of them playing, for example. It is also an ideal location if you are photographing a large group of children.
- Field/Meadow. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. This is also the case here - a clear horizon, soft greenery and colourful flowers are enough to give the photo a magical tone. If you add to this a breakthrough element, such as soap bubbles, balloons or a tent, you can count on two things - perfect outdoor photography and the delight of little models. And that is what it is all about!
Outdoor photoshoot ideas for couples
Couples in love, beautiful nature and IT - their feeling captured in a frame, somewhere between glances. If there is any kind of session that goes exceptionally well outdoors, it is the session of newlyweds. Most often sessions are done in parks or gardens, but there are many more interesting outdoor couple photoshoot ideas. Here are some of them:
A single wall. When talking about outdoor couple photoshoot ideas we rather rarely mean a session against the backdrop of... a wall. But the truth is that summer light plus a solid surface in an interesting colour can work wonders. It's worth considering this concept - especially if you want minimalistic portraits, where feelings are the most important thing.
A session in the water. On a bridge over a lake or deeper, with your feet submerged in the silvery depths? Why not! Water is not only an extremely graceful model but also a unique backdrop, which makes the WOW effect. So if there's a body of water in your area, and your models aren't afraid to get a little wet, then there can only be one direction - outdoor photography with water in the background.