
Ciao, Bella! Looking for the perfect setting for your Italian vacation photos? We just  happen to have something for you! The template with motifs of delicious pizza and top sights will perfectly organize photos from Venice, Sicily or Milan. The bright color will emphasize the charm of the drawn ornaments, without distracting attention from the photos. Experience your "la dolce vita" every time you open the photo book!




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FEDEX 13.99 USD 6-8 Yes

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from 13.99 USD




1. NUMBER OF PAGES – change it in the editor

While creating your project in the editor, you can freely change the selected number of pages.

Format Additional pages Price
8x11.5, 11.5x8, 8x8 inches 4 pages 4.00 USD
12x12 inches 4 pages 6.00 USD

2. ADD-ONS - add them in your cart

Once you add your project to basket, you can choose among the following add-ons:

Hardcover with glossy laminate

0.00 USD

Cover without a sponge

0.00 USD

Remove logo*

3.00 USD

Smart Color Correction

1.00 USD

Check all add-ons

from 1.00 USD

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