
"Exotic Holidays" is the next holiday photo book template which will allow you to keep your most beautiful summer memories for years to come. The template "Holiday Memories", thanks to its blue and fluo yellow colors, is perfect to highlight the beauty of your pictures taken by the sea in summer. Let your summer memories stay with you forever and emphasize their holiday character by the motifs of adorable parrots and pineapples which will accompany you on the majority of pages of this template.




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from 13.99 USD




1. NUMBER OF PAGES - change it in the editor

While creating your project in the editor, you can freely change the selected number of pages.

Format Additional pages Price
8x11.5, 11.5x8, 8x8 inches 4 pages 3.00 USD
12x12 inches 4 pages 4.00 USD

2. COLORS OF COVERS - choose ones in your cart free of charge

Natural Linen

Fabric with Glitter

Shiny Eco-leather

Pastel Eco-leather


3. ADD-ONS- add them in your cart

Once you add your project to basket, you can choose among the following add-ons:

Smart Color Correction

1.00 USD

7C Premium Print

0,15 USD/ 1 page

Check all add-ons

from 1.00 USD

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