
A combintaion of black and gold patterns makes this template very universal. Regardless of the occasion you are preparing the book for -  for your grandfather or a friend, black and gold ornaments will suit all types of photos. It's really convenient especially when you've got photos from all sorts of occasions and only one book to fill. The patterns in this book are rather modern. If you need something more elegant, official but in similar colours, check our 'White and Gold' template. 




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Supplier Shipping costs (for 1 piece) Shipping time (in business days) Tracking
DPD from 7,95 EUR 5-6 Yes
UPS from 8,95 EUR 5-6 Yes
Fedex from 11,99 EUR 1-2 Yes

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from 7,95 EUR




1. NUMBER OF PAGES – change it in the editor

While creating your project in the editor, you can freely change the selected number of pages.

Format Additional pages Price
A5, 24x24 4 pages 2,00 EUR
A4, 20x20 4 pages 3,00 EUR
30x30 4 pages 4,00 EUR
A3 4 pages 5,00 EUR

2. ADD-ONS- add them in your cart

Once you add your project to basket, you can choose among the following add-ons:

Hardcover with matt laminate

2,99 EUR

Sponge padded cover

2,99 EUR

Remove logo*

2,99 EUR

Smart Colour Correction

1,00 EUR

7C Premium Print

0,15 EUR/ 1 page

Check all add-ons

from 1,00 EUR

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