Hľadáte perfektný darček pre každú príležitosť? Vyberte si z viacerých, vopred navrhnutých šablón so zaujímavými grafikami! Estetika ide ruka v ruke s kvalitou. Hrnček je vyrobeny z trvanlivej keramiky, vďaka čomu sa tak ľahko nepoškrabe a nezničí. Ak máte rádi originálne a zároveň neprehnané super vecičky, fotohrneček je práve pre Vás. Najvyššia kvalita a neobyčajná radosť zaručená! Vychutnajte si kávu alebo čaj z Vášho obľúbeného hrnčeka.
Aj vnútro sa počíta! Sami rozhodnite akú farbu bude mať vnútro vášho hrnčeka. Na výber je šesť rôznych farieb. Vytvorte si celú sadu. Navrhnite viac hrnčekov - každý s inou farbou vnúta.
Vyberte šablónuŠiroký výber šablón vám dáva slobodu tvorby a umožňuje v krátkom čase vytvoriť váš projekt. Výsledok je na vašej fantázií.
I've Now used Colorland , many times and they never fail to provide excellent service , Great Quality Photo Books, Many Thanks again
We have been buying our photo books from Colorland for many years and will continue to do so for many more. It's very easy to load your photo's, add comments and any clip art you feel would benefit your book. They arrive pretty quickly and are packag ...
Easy to upload and edit pictures. Great variety of styles, background options. Quality of end product i.e. photoe book. Fast shipping.
I recently had the pleasure of shopping at Colourland's Online Photography Shop and I couldn't be happier with my experience. their selection of photo gifts is truly outstanding. From customized photo books to beautifully framed prints, they have so ...
Very satisfied with the photo book I put together with Colorland. Easy to use templates and fantastic results. I ordered 3 for christmas presents this year and I know they will be a hit.
I’m so impressed! I ordered 3 photo calendars on Friday, quite late in the day, and they arrived on Tuesday! I will definitely use Colorland again.
Great product great service been using Them for over ten years now can't fault them will keep coming back each year many thanks